

Gopalnagar Shuvayan will convert stumbling blocks into stepping stones on a pathway of change and Development that will have multiple impacts on the economically underprivileged and lead to a better life for themselves and their future Generation. Provide multi-dimensional support for the entire family and not just for the woman. Create positive change in the lives of the economically underprivileged and underserved, the program must meet our benchmark of Quality & Beneficiary Satisfaction.


  • To provide:-Social, Educational, and Economic Empowerment to Women and Children
  • Mentor and provide guidance to the development & empowerment of youth
  • Encourage healthcare development and health promotion
  • empower the differently-abled by providing Vocational training and employment opportunities
  • Encourage healthcare development and health promotion, encourage sports among the youth of society
  • Afeguard the rights of the Child
  • Provide for the wellbeing of children in need, more particularly.