

Women Empowerment Programs Project

Women Empowerment program is a major activity of Gopalnagar Shuvayan. It is an e-based social and economic empowerment platform that enables women to save money, develop financial literacy, and invest in income-generating activities. In addition to increasing women’s access to financial services, our groups also focus on learning skills and building capacities, self-esteem, increasing access to information and resources, and promoting collective action and community organizing.
This combination of economic and social empowerment positions them as leaders and decision-makers in their households and communities.
Through this program which women are trained to form self-organized and self-managed savings groups, each consisting of 15-25 members, to develop their empowerment and increase their access to financial resources, which is critical to sustained poverty alleviation. Group members meet weekly to make decisions that impact the group, participate in life-skills training, discuss issues of mutual interest, and pool their small funds into a common fund. From that common fund, members take loans and repay with interest. Women take loans for small businesses, healthcare, and education for their children, and home improvements.